TC9 Programmer Version 2.0 installThis is the programming software for the AEG Telecar 9 mobile radio. The software is now rather complete. It is necessary to apply for a license. This is free for amateur radio use, for professional use I ask you to ask for a quotation on installation, the installer checks for the DOTNET Framework 2.0. If this is not installed, it will be installed automatically. Telecar 9 firmware version 7.X is supported.The current version of the programming software is 2.9.1. This version includes a help file in English and Gernam plus context sensitive help. The next version will be 3.0 but I do not know what to add. Please let me know if you have any questions, remarks or ideas for new functionality:! change prg into exe.TC9 firmware version 1.02 binary fileThe firmware version ANL 1.02 is a direct replacement of the standard 5.X or 7.X software. Changes compared to the standard software are:- reading of the programming password;- variable CTCSS tones for channel numbers under 100 (long press of the # key);- 6.4 MHz reference frequency of UHF mobiles (to be used in a simulcast network);- Suppression of the annoying beep after reception of a 5-tone code that is displayed.Firmware ANL Versie 1.02 Intel hex fileThe firmware version ANL 1.02 is a direct replacement of the standard 5.X or 7.X software. Changes compared to the standard software are:- reading of the programming password;- variable CTCSS tones for channel numbers under 100 (long press of the # key);- 6.4 MHz reference frequency of UHF mobiles;- Suppression of the annoying beep after reception of a 5-tone code that is displayed.Programming instructionsProgramming documentation and description for the Telecar 9.The instructions are in English and German.